
Essential documents to be sent by the employer companies: The overseas employers must send the following documents to our company in Nepal and we apply to the Director General, Department of Labor in Nepal for permission to recruit manpower through advertisements in National Daily Newspapers. The documents required are:

1. Demand Letter (Qatar, Malaysia)
2. Power of attonery (Qatar, Malaysia)
3. Employment Agreement (Qatar, Malaysia)
4. Gurantee Letter (Qatar, Malaysia)
5. Service Agreement (Qatar, Malaysia)

A demand letter must listing job categories and numbers of worker required. Power of attorney authority the agent to act on behalf of Employer Company. Specimen copy of employment contract must show the benefits including salary, overtime, accommodation, food, and medical facilities and traveling expense etc.

All the documents must duly attest by either chamber of commerce or ministry of foreign affairs or Notary Public or Embassy of Nepal in the country of respective employer company.